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Showing posts from April, 2015

Dr Muhammad Ramzan Gujjar

Director FAIR Information and Director Libraries LUMS Lahore. Dr Ramzan Ph.D from University of Malaya and belongs to Gujjar family, born in Sialkot. he is working as Director Libraries LUMS Lahore. 

Engr Ifftikhar Ahmad Ch

Engr Ifftikhar Ahmad Ch Central Deputy Secretary Information Pakistan Tahreek e Insaaf ... Writer/Columnist/ Politician Engineer Ifftikhar Ahmad Ch born in Nallah Haripur dated November 01,1955. He completed his DAE Auto Mobile from Govt College of Technology railway Road Lahore. Ch Sahib was very active in college union. Ch Sahib moved to Sudia and join Hundai Motors and resigned as General Manager Operations and came back to Pakistan and Joined Pakistan Tahreek e Insaaf as Central Deputy Secretary Information. Ch Sahib regular Column writer and very active in Party Politics and also in Gujjar nation. 1- Aseer Bengla desh Namanzoor, Tehreek e Khtme Naboot, And During Musharraf regime for retoration of democracy and Comunity rights in abroad Vp Punjab Punjab Students councel 1974 Nazim IJT Nazim Maktab Gujranwala IJT.

Ch Muhammad Shabbir Gujjar

Special Judge Custom Excise, intelligence, sales tax, anti smuggling APPELLATE TRIBUNAL GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Ch M Shabbir Gujjar born in Gujranwala dated March 01,1961. Ch Sahib belongs to Chechi Gujjar Family and completed his graduation and LLB from University of Punjab. He started his career from Gujranwala as a Advocate and then moved to Lahore. in 1997 Ch sahib joined as Senior Legal Advisor at Municipal Corporation Gujranwala and divisional member of Khidmat Committee Gujaranwala. In 2001 appointed as Chairman Jail Reforms Committee. In 2004 Ch Sahib elected President of Gujranwala BAR. In 2009 Ch Sahib appointed as Assistant Advocate General Punjab. Ch Sahib elected as a member executive committee High Court Bar Lahore. By the grace of Allah in April 2015 ch Sahib Appointed as Special Judge Custom Excise, intelligence, sales tax, anti smuggling APPELLATE TRIBUNAL GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN

Mian Muhammad Bakhsh

حضرت میاں محمد بخش رحمۃ اللہ علیہ آپ کے آباء و اجداد کا تعلق چک بہر ام ضلع گجرات سے ھے . آپ کے نسب نامہ کے بارے میں مکمل آگاہی کسی کتاب سے نہیں ھوتی. لیکن اگر حقیقتاً دیکھا جائے تو اپ کے آباء و اجداد گجر پوسوال کہلاتے ھیں. جہاں تک آپ کے نسب کی تحقیق ھوئی ھے. اس کے مطابق آپ کا شجرہ نسب آپ کے پڑ دادا میاں دین محمد رحمۃ اللہ علیہ تک ملتا ھے. اس سے آگے کی تاریخ خاموش ھے. البتہ علاقہ کھڑی شریف کے مشہور و معروف بزرگ پیر پیرا غازی شاہ دمڑی والا کی نسبت روحانی سے بعض تذکرہ نگاروں کے مطابق آپ کا شجرہ نسب حضرت عمر فاروق رضی اللہ عنہ سے ھوتا ھوا حضور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم سے جا کر ملتا ھے. وہ اس طرح کہ چونکہ پیر غازی شاہ دمڑی والے نے بذاتہ آپ کے پڑ دادا میاں دین محمد رح کو اپنے بیٹوں کی طرح پالا تھا. کیونکہ ان کی اپنی حقیقی کوئی اولاد نہ تھی. اسی لئے آپ کے پڑ دادا میاں دین محمد کو اپنا متبنی' اور وارث قرار دیتے ھوئے سجادہ نشینی ان کے حوالے کی تھی. اسی وجہ سے بعض لکھاریوں اور تذکرہ نگاروں نے آپ کا شجرہ نسب پیر غازی شاہ صاحب کی نسبت روحانی یا روحانی باپ کے حوالے سے آپ کا شجرہ نسب...

Imran Yousaf Gujjar

Ch Imran Yousaf Gujjar Advocate. Born in Gujranwala dated June 02, 1983 and completed his graduation and LLB from university of Punjab and started his career as a advocate in Gujranwala. Ch Imran joined Pakistan Tahreek e Insaaf and candidate of PTI.  

JaggaGujjar the most famous Gujjar of Lahore,

JaggaGujjar t   he most famous Gujjar of Lahore, Pakistan. Jagga Gujjar of Chowburgi, Lahore who is remembered till today for imposing the notorious ‘Jagga Tax’ o n Lahore, after his name. Specially the butcher’s (Qasai community) of Bakra Mandi in the late 1960s who paid one rupee on every goat to be cut.Nobody else even any Gujjar still cannot reach the height of his fear. His name was enough to pay respect and money too in easy translation “Naam hi kafi tha”. The status of Gujjar terror was always in Punjab but in real he took it to its peak and still Gujjars are enjoying this status. Afterwards him, his family started to make films on him which promote Gujjar’s publicity more and that was the first time to be made film on a real character, mostly Gujjar films are on real characters, such as WehshiGujjar, JaggaGujjar, Jagga Tax, Puttar Jaggay da,etc was made on him.  His real name was Chaudhry Muhammad Sharif Gujjar. His“Jagga” was the name given by his mother. From ...

Fazal Elahi Chaudhry Former President of Pakistan

born on January 1, 1904 in an influential  Gujjar family in Marala village, near the city of  Kharian , Gujrat District  in  Punjab Province . After receiving his education from there, Chaudhry joined the prestigious  Aligarh Muslim University  in 1920, receiving his  LLB  in  Civil law  in 1924. Thereafter, Chaudhry returned to  Punjab  and attended the Punjab University 's post-graduate school in law and political science. In 1925, Chaudhry obtained his  M.A.  in  Political Science  in 1925, and the advanced  LLM  in  Law and Justice , in 1927. After completing his education, Chaudhry established his law firm in Lahore, advocating for the civil law and liberties, and went back to Gujrat and started practicing the civil law. In 1930, he started taking interest in politics and participated in the  Indian general elections  in 1930 for the Gujrat District Board and was elected u...

A.I.G Bostan Khan Khatana

بوستان خان کھٹانہ ریٹائرڈ A.I.G صوبہ سرحد آپ 10فروری1916کو بمقام موضع ٹکر ضلع مردان میں حاجی لعل دین کھٹانہ کے ھاں پیدا ھوے. آپ کے والد محترم ایک متوسط کاشتکار اور علاقےکے نمبردار تھے. بوستان صاحب کے تین بھائی ملک زعفران،ملک غفران اور ملک گلستان کھٹانہ زراعت کے پیشے سے وابستہ اور اپنی زمینوں کی دیکھ بھال کرتے. آپ کی شادی اپنی خالہ زاد سے ھوئی. بڑی بیٹی ایم ایس سی،بی ایڈ سکول ھیڈ میٹریس اور دوسری بیٹی ایم ایس سی کالج پروفیسر جبکہ بیٹوں میں شوکت حی ات کھٹانہ ایم اے،بی ایڈ سکول ٹیچر اور چھوٹے بیٹے عظمت حیات کھٹانہ اپنے ذاتی کاروبار سے منسلک. 1 جون 1936 کو آپ پولیس میں بھرتی ہوئے.پشاور لاءکالج سے LLB کیا. 1968 میں جنرل ایوب نے اپنے بارے صحیح رپورٹنگ کرنے پر آپ کو ترقی دیکر DSP تعینات کر دیا. 1971 میں مانسہرہ میں تعیناتی کے دوران آپ نے برادری کیلئے بہت سی خدمات انجام دیں جس پر گجر مخالف قوتوں نے آپ کا تبادلہ ضلع ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان کروا دیا.آپ نے پولیس ملازمت دیانت داری سے کی.ایک دفعہ اپنے قریبی عزیز کو بتایا اگر میں رشوت لیتا تو میں اپنے علاقے کا بڑا لینڈ لارڈ ھوتا. آپ نے 2 م...

Ch Abdul Hameed with major Taswor and Dr Afzal Sajid

Sardar Muhammad Chaudhry

Sardar Muhammad Chaudhry Ex-Inspector General Police Punjab June 1991... Sardar Muhammad Chaudhry (born. 1937, died 2004) practiced law briefly and then joined the Police Service of Pakistan in 1963. He served in the field but the major portion of his career was spent in the Intelligence, FIA and Narcotics Control Board, where he had a unique opportunity to observe and influence The Power Game that our rulers are wont to play. His last position, before retiring in March 1997, was as Inspector General of Police Punjab, the largest and the most important province of Pakistan. Because of his rich experience and deep insight he emerged as a guide, a wise counsel of the police and government. He is held in high esteem by police force as well as the general public for his high integrity, fairplay and humane approach.

Ch Azeem Qamar Gujjar

Azeem Qamar Gujjar ...Secratery Information Anjuman - e - Gujjran Pakistan  Gujjar Real Estate Faisalabad http:// http:// azeem.gujjar.nation

Air Marshal Abdur Rahim Khan

Air Marshal Abdur Rahim Khan, HJ, HQA, SPk, SBt (25 October 1925 – 28 February 1990) was a 3-star general and air officer who served as the last Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Air Force between 1969 and 1972. He later was later sacked by the JAG Branch, and given a discharged from the Air Force as former Commander-in-Chief (C-in-C) of Pakistan Air Force, along with theCommander-in-Chief (C-in-C) of Pakistan Army Lieutenant-General Gul Hassan Khan and Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Navy,Vice-Admiral Muzaffar Hassan on March 3, 1972. His successor, Air Marshal Zafar Chaudhry, was the first Chief of Air Staff of Pakistan Air Force.During his tenure he visited China due to the military co-operation between the two nations. He was awarded the Hilal-i-Jurat for his command in 1971 Indo-Pakistani war.

Ch. Sultan Mehmood Gujjar

Ch. Sultan Mehmood Gujjar (EX. D.G PASCO Gojra)

Lieutenant Colonel Haroon Islam Shaheed

Lieutenant Colonel Haroon Islam Lieutenant Colonel Haroon Islam was a colonel in the Pakistan Army's Special Service Group (also known as Black Storks) who embraced Martydom during Operation Silence. He was a commanding officer of the Operation Sun Rise while commanding the Zarrar Anti Terrorist Unit. He was killed in a fierce fighting which took place inside the Red Mosque Complexwhile leading a small force of 150 SSG members. The Special Service Group successfully took over the complex. On March 23, 2008, he was posthumously awarded the second high civilian award, Hilal-e-Shujaat (Crescent of Bravery) by the President of Pakistan. Haroon was born into a military family. His father himself was a deputy commisioner who had also participated in Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. His elder brother is an Assistant Director in the FIA while another brother, Major Ehtisham-ul-Islam, is a retired Army Officer. Haroon Islam possessed many God-gifted qualities; like, he was an extremely witty ...