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Abdul Hameed Chaudhry

چودھری عبدالحمید صاحب ایک شخص کا نام نہیں ہے بلکہ ایک ادارے کا نام ہے ۔۔ خدمت اور انسانیت کا دوسرا نام چودھری صاحب ہیں ایثار و قربانی کا مجموعہ ۔۔ گجر قوم کبھی بھی ان کے احسانات کا بوجھ اتار سکے گئی اللہ تعالٰی ان کی خدمات کو قبول کرے اور ان کو اجرِ عظیم عطاء کرے آمین۔۔

Abdul Hameed Chaudhry Former Director Lahore Development Authority and Former MD WASA Lahore. Founder Gujjar Youth Forum Pakistan and Chairman Gujjar Education Fund.

Ch Sahib born in lahore dated December 31,1951. He completed Graduation and LLB from University of Punjab and Joined Government Services. 

Ch joined Anjman e Gujran Pakistan and served as a Secretary Information. later ch sahib has some clashes and arranged Gujjar youth and built new forum with the name of Gujjar Youth Forum. Ch Sahib is also founder of Gujjar Education funds.  there are great efforts involved to motivate and promote the Gujjars in swat, malakand division, Murree and KPK. 

we salute to Ch Hameed Sahib on his efforts and hard work for gujjar nation.  


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